Ø Vote on New
Old School – approved as a Active member
§ Motion Made by Deacon, 2nd by Magus – Passed
Gargoyle – approved as a Active member
§ Motion Made by Bighouse, 2nd by Magus – Passed
Tantrum – approved as a Active member
§ Motion Made by Deacon, 2nd by Bighouse – Passed
No action was taken with the following potential members
¨ Faceman
Ø Ø Old Business
¨ Dues – Annual dues to be $50 for Active members, and $25 for Inactive and Junior members. Initiation
fee to be $125, which will include a set of dyed subdued urban BDU's. Initiation fee will be applied to all persons as a requirement
of membership. Current Active, Junior, Inactive, and Pending members will be exempt from the initiation fee, that is - this
will only apply to new people coming in. The other dues ($50 and $25), will be due by May 1st.Anyone delinquent in there dues
will have the following consequences (at the discretion of the Committee when extenuation circumstances exist);;
o Immediately moved to inactive status (no voting rights) and not allowed to
participate in any events.
o 45 days delinquent will be moved for a vote to be made probationary status
and not allowed to participate in any events or practices.
o 90 days delinquent moved to be removed from the team. Special exemption,
anyone currently serving active duty with the Armed Services will have their dues waived.
§ Motion Made by Inferno, 2nd by Bluefish –
Passed unopposed
¨ Budget – The approximate budget for the use of the dues in 2007 will be:
o Income - $1100
o Patches (including extras) - $200
o Banner - $150
o Web hosting - $200
o Balance forward for '08 - $550
§ Motion Made by Inferno, 2nd by Bluefish –
Passed unopposed
¨ Practice Schedule
o 4/15 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
o 5/13 @ Hell's - afternoon session (NO Sigma in AM)
o 6/17 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
o 7/22 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
o 8/12 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
o 9/16 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
o 10/7 @ Hell's - afternoon session (N0 Sigma in AM)
§ Motion Made by Bluefish, 2nd by Inferno –
Passed unopposed
¨ Practice Schedule - The Attendance Policy shall be a points based system as follows (at the discretion of the Committee
when extenuation circumstances exist);
o 1st missed practice with informing a commander +0
o 2nd and further missed practice with informing a commander +1
o Any missed practice or event without informing a commander +2
§ Note: Practices are required, events are not. There is no penalty
for you choose not to attend an event or if you change your mind and inform a commander ahead of time.
o Make up practice approved by a commander -1 to -2 (up to -3 per year)
o Attendance will be a primary consideration for promotion. If some reaches
+2 for 30 days they will be moved for a team vote by the committee for any of the following - change of status (inactive,
probation), reduction of rank, and removal from the team.
§ Motion Made by Tantrum, 2nd by Bluefish –
Passed unopposed
Ø New Business
¨ None