Status - Only persons who have played with the Team can have any status other than Pending.
– Annual dues are $50 for Active members and $25 for Inactive and Junior members. The initiation fee for new members
is $125, which includes a set of custom dyed subdued urban BDU's. Initiation fee will be applied to all persons as a requirement
of membership. Current Active, Junior, Inactive, and Pending members as of 3/11/07 will be exempt from the initiation fee.
The other dues ($50 and $25), are due by May 1st. Anyone delinquent in there
dues will have the following consequences (at the discretion of the Committee when extenuation circumstances exist);
Immediately moved to inactive status (no voting rights) and
not allowed to participate in any events.
45 days delinquent will be moved for a vote to be made probationary
status and not allowed to participate in any events or practices.
90 days delinquent moved to be removed from the team. Special
exemption, anyone currently serving active duty with the Armed Services will have their dues waived.
– The approximate budget for the use of the dues in 2007 will be:
Income - $1100
Patches (including extras) - $200
Banner - $150
Web hosting - $200
Balance forward for '08 - $550
Schedule – Scenario Team
4/15 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
5/13 @ Hell's - afternoon session (NO Sigma in AM)
6/17 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
7/22 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
8/12 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
9/16 @ Hell's - afternoon session (after Sigma in AM)
10/7 @ Hell's - afternoon session (N0 Sigma in AM)
Policy - The Attendance Policy is a points based system as follows (at the discretion of the Committee when extenuation
circumstances exist);
1st missed practice with informing a commander +0
2nd and further missed practice with informing a commander
Any missed practice or event without informing a commander
Note: Practices are required, events are not. There is no
penalty for you choose not to attend an event or if you change your mind and inform a commander ahead of time.
Make up practice approved by a commander -1 to -2 (up to
-3 per year)
Attendance will be a primary consideration for promotion.
If some reaches +2 for 30 days they will be moved for a team
vote by the committee for any of the following - change of status (inactive, probation), reduction of rank, and removal from
the team.