Name: Mark
Call Sign: RedWing
Hometown: Jackson, MI
Command Sergeant
Active Founding Member of Delta Ops and Team Sigma
Position: Delta Ops Command Sergeant
Age: 36
Equipment (Marker/Barrel/Tank/Mask): Tippmann A-5 W/ APE board/E-Trigger, Red Powertube,
Python Paintball A5 Compression Connector System, 3" Endgame Barrel, Smoke Ricochet Hopper and Tapco collapsible stock Tippmann
Custom Pro ACT w/ Response Trigger, Python Paintball 98C Compression Connector System, 3" Endgame Barrel, 32 Deg. clear copper Custom
made remote rig w/ (2) Pure Energy 88 CI/4500PSI tanks linked together on one PMI coiled remote Propper subdued urban camo
BDUs (dyed to Delta Spec) Propper woodland camo BDUs V-Force Profiler Mask Special Ops Hammer Vest (Black) Pods
and other miscellaneous paintball paraphernalia...
Experience: 2 years
Deacon's Boss
"Beer: Not just for breakfast anymore!"
Best Skill: can lead or follow,
as needed; marksmanship
my family, beer, hockey, Jazz, Mustangs (both Ford and P-51 types,
not the kind w/tails...)
Dislikes: running
out of beer!
Tours of Duty:
2006 SPPL National Finals
2007 Black
Hawk Down - Battlefront