Team Sigma Charter
Team Sigma is an outgrowth of the scenario team Delta Ops, from whom
separated to concentrate on tournament woodsball. The core of the team is made from members who participated in the SPPL MI
qualifier in August of 2006 and won our first Sportsmanship Award.
The mission of Team Sigma is to be active within the Woodsball tournament
community, known as a group that exhibits exceptional sportsmanship at all times, and at all times remembers paintball for
what it is; a game (albeit, a very fun one). The primary purpose of the team is to participate in SPPL and similar events,
although scenario and “big” games may be attended as a form of practice.
Play Safe, Play Hard, Have Fun!
To always be an honorable mention for sportsmanship at all SPPL events we attend.
To have the highest level of sportsmanship at all times.
To compete to the best of our abilities, and continuously improve.
To help the sport of paintball, especially woodsball, grow.
At an SPPL (or similar) event Team Sigma will always defer the coin toss to allow any team that we
a higher score than.
If elements of Team Sigma end up opposing each other at an event, we will always compete with full
determination and resolve.
The founding membership will consist of everyone who participated
in the MI SPPL qualifier. All other members must be voted in by the Team membership. There are four different statuses for
members; active, inactive, pending, junior, and probation.
Active = current and active have full status.
Inactive = inactive members are still members but have given up their voting rights for the duration
of their leave.
Pending = persons wanting to join the Team will be pending members.
Junior = this is for persons of the team, who are active but do not vote (primarily for younger members)
Probation = this is for persons exhibiting poor sportsmanship or attitudes to the point that their
position on the Team is in jeopardy.
All Active, Pending, and Junior Members are required to check the forum once a week.
& Quorums
All meetings (both Committee and Team) will be posted on the Team
Website at least 14 day prior, preferably 30 days. A meeting may held at any Event the Team votes to attend without the 14
day notice. A meeting may be called by any two elected officers or at least 5 active members. Any Active member is welcome
to attend any Committee meeting.
The quorum requirement for Committee meetings will be 3 or more committee members. The
quorum requirement for Team meetings will be at least 50% of Active members.
Team Sigma will be lead by a Committee of five elected officers;
one Commander, two Sub-commanders, and two Representatives. Other elected positions will include; Webmaster Treasurer, and
The Arbiter of Change.
Commander = will be the executive of the Team, to make immediate decisions, although he may be over-ridden
by the Committee. The Commander will chair Committee, but have no vote unless there is a tie. The elected term of the Commander
shall be one year, from December 1st to November 30th.
Sub-commanders (2) = will fill two seats on the Committee and assist the Commander as needed. The elected
term of the Sub-commanders shall be one year, from December 1st to November 30th.
Representatives (2) = will fill two seats on the Committee and assist the Commander as needed. The
Sergeants are to be representatives of the Team membership at the meetings. The elected term of the Representatives shall
be three months, from December 1st to the end of February, March 1st to May 31st, June 1st to August 31st, and September 1st
to November 30th.
Webmaster = will maintain the website, forum, and other internet based tools of the Team at the direction
of the Committee. The elected term of the Webmaster shall be one year, from December 1st to November 30th.
Treasurer = will be responsible for the funds of the Team, including dues and event fees and serves
the Committee. The elected term of the Treasurer shall be one year, from December 1st to November 30th.
The Arbiter of Change = will receive all nominations for elected positions and oversee all election
(or removal from office) votes. The elected term of the Arbiter of Change shall be one year, from December 1st to November
Any officer can be removed from office at anytime 10 or more Active members call for a vote and a team
quorum receives super-majority vote (66%) in favor. Whoever is elected to replace that office shall serve the remainder of
the removed officer’s term.
Voting procedures
All Team and Committee votes shall be voice votes and public to all
members the team.
The following will require a Team vote;
Team Uniforms / Dress Code
Events to be Attended
Practice Schedule
Modification of Charter
o Any modification of
the Team Sigma Charter will require a super-majority vote (66% or better) for two consecutive months.
Election of Officers
o All nominations shall
be made to The Arbiter of Change at least 3 days before an election meeting.
o A list of all nominations
shall be read before voting.
o Any person who does
not wish to be nominated must ask the Arbiter of Change to remove them from the list
o The positions shall
be elected in the following order; Commander, Sub-commanders (2), Representatives (2), Webmaster, Treasurer, and Arbiter of
o In the case of a tie,
a runoff vote will be held, in the case of a runoff tie, it will be decided by the Arbiter of Change
o The only positions that
can be held concurrently by an elected official are Webmaster and Treasurer. Any officer can only hold up two elected positions
Membership Status
o A Pending, Inactive,
or Junior member can become Active if an Active member sponsors them and he/she receives a majority vote (50% or higher) in
o A Pending member can
become Junior Status if an Active member sponsors them and he/she receives a majority vote (50% or higher) in favor.
o Any person (except one
expelled from the team) can become Pending Status simply by being sponsored by an active member.
o An Active member can
be moved to Inactive status by choice or if he/she is absent for two consecutive months and receives a majority vote (50%
or higher) in favor.
o Any member can be moved
to Probation status by a majority vote (50% or higher) in favor.
o A Probation status member
can only be restored to their previous status by a super-majority vote (66% or higher) in favor.
o A Probation status member
can removed from the Team by a majority vote (50% or higher) in favor after at least one month on probation
o Any member can be voted
off the team immediately by a super-majority vote (66%) by a super-quorum of the team (66%).
of the Committee
The committee will govern other aspects of the Team not specified
in the above section. If a decision needs to be made quickly, the Committee may make a temporary order, to be confirmed by
the Team at the next meeting. The primary duties of the Committee shall be to;
Plan and coordinate all events and practices.
Perform as the command structure for all events.
In the case of a limited participation event, decide who from the Team will be on the roster.
Distribute any awards or prizes fairly among the participants.
Grunt (Junior Member)
Magus Shadow
Target (Junior Member)